Predictive maintenance, learning systems, Internet of Things - "next gen" mechanical engineering at your fingertips

Wichelhaus Fraunhofer and bimanu invite to the inauguration of the technology center
On Sept. 17th from 3:00 p.m. we invite together with our technology partner bimanu GmbH (Düsseldorf) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO to our freshly opened Technology Center in the Feuerbachstrasse in Solingen.

The info event is aimed at mechanical engineers, operators, manufacturing or production managers from all industries who want to be informed and inspired about how to turn "big data" into "smart data" today. With our technology center, we want to help manufacturing companies in the SME sector gain a pioneering role through digitization solutions and thus expand their business models. Software and services are gaining in importance, and manufacturing companies can use data analysis to develop into system and solution providers.

Read more about the event: here.